Page 430 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 430


                                             TABLE No. 2-C.
                                 Principal Articles and Countries to >vluch Exported.

                                                      Quantity               Talus
                Articles and Countries to wu;c:i Extorted
                                                1920-21  1921-22  1922 23  1920 21  1921-22  1922-23

                           Cereals.                                    £     . £      £
              Persia                      Ton*     473     Co     44  11.825  1.235    835
              Persia                                      400     40           700     95.
                           117. roi Flour
              Persia                                17     04           370   1.516
                           Other Crains
              Persia                                1      10     7      20    141     99
              Sardines, dry—
                India   .              . Pkgs.   12,504  14,481  34,817  7,502  8,447  14,062*
                Persia   .                 99              70    212            41     120
                        Fiji Dry and Salted
              India .                              56     135    251     62    135     251
              Persia .   .          fr     99              8      23             8     29
              Ceylon .                              16                   19
              lions Kong .                 • •                   118                   116-
                           Shari fins
              India .                               15    GG     111     30    132     215
              Persia .                             172    43     114    344     SG     228
              China .                      99       86    228    347    176    156     69 4.
              India ..                              G6    31     130     35     17     TO
              Persia .                     99                     2                     L
                           Dry Dales
              India .                  .. Too*    3,030  2,971  3,852  63,247  61,009  78,906
              China .                                      1                    24
                           Dates, reel
              India .   .                  »       784    670    832  10.463  9.802  11,949
              Persia .   .   .             • •      9      16           114    256
              United States of America             736    607    268  13,600  11.890  6,294
              Burmah   .   •   .           99       17              :   146
              China .                      M 99                                  7
              United Kingdom .                             2      12            24     174
                           Limes, dry
              Perna .                      99       80    150    197   3,872  • 7,912  15,700
              India .                  . Pkga.     977   3,500  2,807  1,303  4,666   4,210
                          Fruits other kinds.
              India                    . PVgs.      13     20            9      13
              Persia                                67    48      30     45     32     23
   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432   433   434   435