Page 428 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 428
TABLE No. 2-B.
Total Exports of Principal Articles during the years 1920-21, 1021-22, 1922-23.
Quantity Valcc
1929-21 1921-22 1922-23 102)21 1921-22 1922-23
By Steamers. £ £ £
C crcalt
Rice Tons 173 05 41 11,825 1,235 830
Whc»t . 40 10 790 ti
Wheat (lour . 17 01 376 1,516
Other Grains . 1 10 7 20 141 99
Sardines ‘try . 21,501 11,551 23.029 7,502 S.488 14,132
Fish, dry and sa.’ttd . * 72 113 392 81 143 39*
Sb.-.rk fins fl 273 337 572 550 G74 1,137
Cuttles CO 31 132 33 17 71
Dry dates T .<ns 3.0;O 2.972 3.852 11,2-17 Cl.033 73.WG
wet 1.510 1,2 »l 1,112 21,333 21,979 17.417
LimM, dry 150 197 3.872 7,912 13,7U«.*
Po.m granatci Pkge. 977 3,500 2,807 1,303 4,000 4.210
Frails, other kinds . ft 80 Gb 30 51 45 23
Paints and C'Aoust
Dragons blood 3 S 5 14
Wart* (ochre) • » 14
Precious Stone* and Metals
Pearl* . Value 3 400 393
Silver Bar 1 150
Specie , M
Coffee . Tons I 11 135 374
Ghee Tins 1,323 583 75 3.087 1,375 295
Hdvrah (Sweets) . Yaluo 2 10 •0
Slices . 300 150
Oilman Stores Pkgs. 9 200
Sugar . Cwts 518 76 8U3 116
Tee Pkgv 2 2o 3 43
Wines and Spirits . Gala. $G 12 129 IS
Cowries . . Pkga. 40 122 61 155
Tcxtim Fabrics*
Cotton Qoodt
Muscat Manufacture 24 19 15 9G0 1,000 7 Si
Europe Manufacture M 21 IS 31 1,050 1,203 1.4SB
Cigarettes W
Tobacco 3 10 80 275
Drags .... M 4 8
Go*t Hair . 12 22 13 36 G6 80
Hides and Skins 36 33 70 252 231 45*2
M-ittinga 12 21 12 21
Articles not specified above 6 30 137 98 290 3s5
Total bt Steamess U9.9G1 113,057 lbP.121