Page 427 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 427
TABLE No. 1-C—con/d.
Principal Articles and Countries from winch Imported during: the years 1920-21, 1921-22,1922-23.
Quantity Valuk
Articles axd Coo tries from 'tenures Iwronreo
192* «-2I 1921-22 1021-23 1020-21 1021-22 1022 23
£ £ £
Br Siil.'3'O Vessels—concld.
Miscellaneous— concld.
A liar (e
Valie 61 130 121 103
Other Countries 12 3
Persia . 4 M 51 115 11 210 643 SCO
lad:* 310 133
India W 372 381 146 347 341 12T
iTin>s* and Spirits
India 99 492 70 613 1W
Articles not specified -above
A<1ea 103
India . G.081 5.772 1,623
Afrit* . 34 32ft
Persia . 99 22 43ft
Other Countries
Total by Sailinq Vessels 101,094 146^39 67,71ft
TABLE No. 2-A.
Total Exports during the years 1920-21, 1321-22, 1922-23
Countries. 1920-21 1921 -ft 1322-23
Aden 2.218 i
Artb Coast
Africa . 1,374 1,474 1.097
Barra* ... 140 I
Cevloa . 19
Clin* . 170 487
lodi* . 105,108 104,599 151,779 I
29,774 19.075 25,341
United Kingdom 24 213
United States of America 13,060 11,690 5,268
Oiler Countries 4,415 1,470 8CX
Ceaxd Total 155,950 139,019 284,660