Page 427 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 427

                                      TABLE No. 1-C—con/d.
         Principal Articles and Countries from winch Imported during: the years 1920-21, 1921-22,1922-23.

                                                Quantity               Valuk
        Articles  axd Coo tries from 'tenures Iwronreo
                                          192* «-2I  1921-22  1021-23  1020-21  1021-22  1022 23
                                                                  £      £      £
                Br Siil.'3'O Vessels—concld.
                 Miscellaneous— concld.
                      A liar (e
                                    Valie     61           130     121           103
        Other Countries                       12                    3
        Persia .              4      M        51    115     11     210    643    SCO
        lad:*                                              310                   133
        India                        W       372    381    146     347    341    12T
                   iTin>s* and Spirits
        India                        99      492     70           613     1W
                Articles not specified -above
        A<1ea                                                                    103
        India .                                                  G.081   5.772  1,623
        Afrit* .                                                          34     32ft
        Persia .                     99                                    22    43ft
        Other Countries
                   Total by Sailinq Vessels                     101,094  146^39   67,71ft

                                       TABLE No. 2-A.
                        Total Exports during the years 1920-21, 1321-22, 1922-23

                      Countries.              1920-21       1921 -ft      1322-23

        Aden                                     2.218                                      i
        Artb Coast
        Africa .                                 1,374         1,474          1.097
        Barra* ...                                140                                       I
        Cevloa .                                   19
        Clin* .                                   170           487
        lodi* .                                105,108        104,599       151,779         I
                                                29,774        19.075         25,341
        United Kingdom                                           24            213
        United States of America                13,060        11,690          5,268
        Oiler Countries                          4,415         1,470           8CX
                             Ceaxd Total       155,950        139,019       284,660
   422   423   424   425   426   427   428   429   430   431   432