Page 452 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 452

                                          TABLE No. 1-C— nnli.
              Principal Article* and Countrlci from which Imported daring the year# 1S21-22, 1922-23 end 1923-24.

                                                      Ql'ATTITT             Valu*
               Articles avd Counraria from \toe>*cr Imi-orted
                                                1521-22  1022-23  10 23 i »  1921-23  1022-23  1923-24

                                                                       £      £     £
                     Br Vessels—«mti.
                           Kerofine Oil
              India .                      Gals.
              Persia .                                  Cl* 904  43.SSG  4.C7-J      5.637
              Aden .                        W             09            107
              Africa .                      W             80                   114
                           Sugar Candy
              India                        Cwta.   ns     40     2G     230    103    48
                           Sugar Leaf
              India .                                     70                   138
                           Sugar Soft
              Indii                         99   3,400   3,324  6^22  3, It I  9,633  9,433
              India                        Pkp-    10      8      7     22     18      11
              India                        Cases   121           246    5:6           C94
              Africa                        99           208     02           1,044   134
              l’eiaia                                    323     793          1,312  2,952
              Perea                       Value           73                   534
                         Tf-xto-e Fabrics.
              India                        Pfcg'   15                   23
              Persia                        99             2                    1
                          Cotton Seeds
              India .                             728    GC3     C63   3M      334    143
              Africa                               61                   23
                           Cotton Goods
              Aden .   .           . Per 1,000 jda.        2      4            142    09
              India . "                   f»       56     20      4   1,673    G38    205
              Africa .                                     2      2            12      19
                         Twist end Tan
              India                       Pkgs.     4      7     25     137    67     230
                           Sail Cloth
              India                                16             4    941            47
                          Wearing Apparel
              India                         99

                            8 muff
              India .                     -Value    *      6      5     59     49     45
   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457