Page 455 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 455

                                       TAELE No. 2-B.
                      Total Export during tlic year* 1921-22,1322-23 and 1923-2C

                     CocTrraica.              1921-22       1922-23       1923 34

                                                £           . t. .         .£
        Aden ...                                                               810
        Africa .   •   •                         1.474         1,097         3.761
        Ccjloo ...                                                             243
        China ...                                 487
        India ...                               10t^C-9       151.779       143.411
        Pci»i» «                                 19.075        25^41         7,40.5
        United Kingdor*                            24           213            222
        ljuited Statca of America                11. SCO       5,"68         7.013
        Other Countries                          1.479          b02           1,228
                            Cra>d total         139,019       18t,C-C0      109,395

                                       TABLE No. 2-B.
               Total Exports of Principal Articles during the years 1521-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24.

                                                Quantity              Talc*
                                          1921-22  1922-21  1923-21  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24

                                                                •£      £      £
                   Br Stbaykbx
        Rice .                       Tons    05     01      1    1.235   836      10
        Wheat                         ft     40     40      1     790     98     10
        Wheat Hour                    99     04             3    1.516           37
        Other grains                         10      7      1     141     99      19
        Sardins, dry                Pig".  14,551  25.023  25,931  8.188  11,182  12,990
        Fljh. dry and tilted                 143    39*   1,318   143    393    1.274
        chirk fin*                          337     572    504    674   1.137   1,006
        Cuttles                       fl 99  31     132    177     17     71      89
        IHtet, dry .                 Tons  2.972   3.852  4,322  61,033  75,906  77,788
        Patet, wet .                  »•   1,290   1,112  1,390  21.978  37.417  17,512
        Licet, dry .                         150    197     47   7,912  15,700  1,877
        Pomegranates                Pigs.  3,500   2.807   139   4,606   4^210  3,164
        Fruit* other kicSs            m      68     30      11     45     23'    164
                  Paixti and Colour
        Dfigco** blood ’.             m       8                    14
        Waxu (Ochre)                                 1      94     14            251
        Precious Stones ind metals „ ‘   Value              3                     63
        Pearl* .....                  *•          • 4  3    3     400     393
        Sflrer Bar .                                 I                    150    200
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