Page 458 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 458
TABLE No. 2-Ct-cg
* Prii&clpal Articles . and Countries, lo which Exported.
Quantitt Valus
Ar.ncua a»d Coo'Tsirs to wincn xxrcnvcD
102122 192U-23 1923-24 192122 1922-23 1923-24
£ £ £
Fish, dry and salted
India . 135 ' 233 S17 133 231 800
Persia . 8 23 101 8 21# 98
Ceylon 239 213
Hong Kong 118 128 118 131
India CO 111 132 215
Persia 43 111 SC 22S
China 223 317 001 406 694 1,008
India 31 130 177 17 70 89
Persia 2 1
• • Dates, dry
India Tons 2,971 ff.SM 1,322 61,019 78.9CC 77,783
China 2A
Dates, vet
India . • . . Tons 670 *32 SI5 9,802 11,919 11,538
Persia .... - 13 236
United States of America 607 2CS 061 11,$90 5,294 6,762
Purrrmh . . j|
China .... 7
United Kingdom . • & 2 12 11 24 176 212
Limes, dry
Persia 150 157 47 7,912 15,700 1,877
India 3^00 2,807 139 4.CCC 4,210 3,164
Fruits other kinds
India 20 13
Persia 48 30 32 23
Paints and Coloum.
Dragon's Hood
India 14
War as (Ochre)
Persia 1 14