Page 84 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 84

            one of the principal Moskat trade, vis., manufacture   Sf eric lias altcndy been referred to in
            of imported silks and cottous for consumption in   ductory remarks on export* and tho very |°P°'
            Zanzibar, has been entirely omitted.      remittances to the Arab coast already commented^*
              Mnskat also seems still partly to bold its position   There is a largo reduction in the remittances T
            as a distributing centre for the “ Pirate Coast” in   India, which liavo fallen by 56 per cent, from io
            ordinary picco goods as tho fignro Hs. 77,455 is not   lakhs to 5 lakhs of rupees.   a
            be despised.                                The tree causes for the decline in the export of
              One farther itom, however, gives sonic little ground   specie is probably the low stablo rate of the dell
            for hopo in the cxpoit figaics for tho futuro of   which afforded no temptation to speculators. Tb
            2d ask at trade.                          figures for Persia aro small, bat they show
                                                      diminution of 58 por cent or from Ha. 1,44000 #!!
              At first sight, when looking at tho heading   Hs. 58,877.                     10
            "articles not specified abovo ” it would seem as if there
            had been a large drop here also, but it will bo noted   One may perhaps note in passing the largo surplo*
            that this year many articles bavo b< en taken out of  of export* over imports in the matter of specie.
            this heading and classified separately. If we add   No explanation is forthcoming.
            these herns to our present total under “articles not   The total value of Money Orders issued during
            specified abovo " where they were placed in previous
           years we get a tofal of Hr. 1.80,764 as against last   the year under report was Ra. 2,30,181 (chiefly fCr
           year’s total of Hs. 72,1'00, giving a riso of Hs, 1,07,86-1   India) nud Ha, 76,316 was remitted to Masqat
                                                      (chiefly to African ports). These aro large figure*
            or nearly 1-lS per ccut.
                                                      for a small post office like Maskat
             The following items show a decline ia export:—
                                                        Saif*—This cheap rock salt was an old feature of
                                                      Maskat trade an doused to be carried in tie old srilire
                                                      vessels. It is by no means certain that this trcuk
                                                                            no fnm no
              Artiiks.  1200-10.  1910-11.  Decrease. \ Pomnt-   Invirror iiylcfc of   • MW   MO aIA UOAilt
                                                age.                                        V
                                                      concerned. No feet* concerning it are piocun.Mr,
                                                      but the general impression here is that it has erased
                          R*.    R*.     Rs.          for 6ome years now.
           r *h       . j 76,020   40.620  20,400 '   3S-67  Mot her-o'-pearl—The French trade (direct to
                                                      Marseilles per Hamburg-Amenka Line) appeals
            Lime*        C'O.sss   so,;v:g  10,562  1162  to have ceased. The fcalf lakh of rupees worth
                                                      that goes to India is said to be re-exported to Europe
           Potscgr&natc*  44.338  41,189  3,109  7*20
                                                      for the manufacture of buttons.
            Pcirla      5.00.613  32,C'"K)  4,77.045  93 GO  Hides and shins.—The export to India shews a
                                                      large fall Exported skins from Maskat are of poor
           8peci*       14/10.0  13,50,753  1,30,245  8^73
                                                      quality and do not pay exporters.
           Fait           8/20            8,520  100
                                                        A large number of new items appear in thii
            ilc-tler-o'-pearl   09,260   50.250  19,010  27*44  year’s ret urns which were formerly shown under
                                                       Miscellaneous." They call for little remark and
           Hides and skins  61,760 I 40,300  21,460  3174  comparison with figures of previous years is cot
                                                        Arms and Ammunition.—Ra. 13,860 is shown as
             Fish.—The catch was not n good one this yeae,   sent to •* other countries." These were returned to
           and the export of dried banlines appears to be falling   Djibouti and Belgium ns they could not be disposed
           year by year.                              of locally.
             Pry limes—have fallen slightly and the distribu­
            tion 6hows some remarkable variations. This year   Oilman's Stores.—'The large figures under the
            the principal customer is Turkey in Asia, and it ia   head "Persia" are due to reshipment for Hie
            said that these limes go mostly to Baghdad where   Majesty's ships on blockade duty.
           they are used in carries.                    TTinex and Spirits.—These figures are small, but,
             Pearls.—It is difficult to say what happened iu   as already remarked under “imports," a mac
            pearls. Iso article of trade is more difficult to wafeh.   larger quantity is really exported, of which do
           The Customs figures are a pate gueb* and our   record exists, either in the manifests or in tbs
            figures only show the very few pearls manifested.   Customs returns. There is no export duty.
            In any case the trade has little to do with Maskat.  Perfumery.—A large item under “Zanzibar **
             Merchants happen to bring them over from the   accounted for by one largo consignment of 30 case*
            Pirate Coast or Linga, but they ate really stray   of “Od" (aloe wood).
 =                                                      Openings for Trade.—The trade of MaskataDjj
           parcels, and it is doubtfni whether so much as
           5 lakhs was ever expo.ied from Maskat in a year.  Matrah is to a great extent in the hands of xiin
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