Page 41 - DILMUN 14
P. 41

Kcrvran, Monik, ٨rlcte Ncgre, :١٤١ Michelle Pir١٦aoli

    ١9R2, Fouilles a Oal'a‫ ﺍ‬al٠B:١hrain. 203 pnges. B:١hrain: Ministry of lnforation. II'١١lisl١ed in
             Frencl, Englisl, a١d ٨rahbic.]

McNeill,    .‫ﻻ‬Duncan                               13N٠MoI١‫ﻡ‬n.-Comtcting 'Terrain Conduclivity wMcter. 58 pages
     ‫ﺇ‬979.            operuting Mau ١E:٢l M٥f .31

            C:natla: Gconics Liitcd. [Ma١٦١١ is a٧ilalle fro١ Gconics Ltd, ١٦45 Meycrsidle Drive,

            Uii 8, Mississauga, Ontario, Cnad:٨١5C٤‫ ﺍ‬5.]

Rndian Corporation                                        ,slouem2٧.49 pages ٨ustin: Radian
    ‫ﺇ‬979. SPS٠1 User's Mual, Radin Corporation. 2

            Corporation. [Maual preparcd by CPS-‫ ﺍ‬Support Staff, Radian Corporation, 8500 Shoal

            Creek Blvd٠٠٨١s١ ti١١٠ 'Texas 78766.]

Rougculle, ٨٢clle

‫ﺇ‬982 .       seD"‫ ﺍ‬etu٧es" a dattes a Bahrain c e١      nanOc٠p: roblene de I'apparition des tcchniqucs dc‫ﺃ‬

            ransformation de la datte, Paleorient, 8(2):67٠77, Paris: Editions du Ccntre National de la

            Rcchcrchle Scicntifique.

Bruno Frohlich, Department of Anthopology, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.
20560, USA. Monique ervran, Mission Archacologique Francais a Bahrain et Oman,
Sorbone, Paris, France, Vinccnt Caruso, National Mapping Division, U.S. Geological
survey, Reston, virginia, USA٠ Kcnneth McCormmick, Office of Information Resource
Management, Sithsonian lnstitution, Washington, D.C. 20560, USA.

Figure 1 Schematic aerial view of Oal'at al-Bahrain viewed from northwest. Tell is
bordered by vegetation (black areas) to the east, south, and west, and by the coastline to the
north (P = Poruguese fortress, [=lslamic fortress, W=harbor or canal, CL=coastline,
1=grid No. 1, 2=grid No. 2, MP=traverse MP, OS=traverse OS. For clarity, only 6 of the

19 measured traverses are shown.)

Figure 2 EM-31 produced by Geonisc Ltd. Canada. Transmitter and receiver at each end
of dipole. Length is 4.00 meters and carrying weight is 9 kgm.

Figure 3 Traverse MP. L‫ﺶ‬ngth is 130 meters. Three parallel lines are recorded with
measurements for every second meter.

Figure 4 - Traverse OS. Length is 102 meters, Three parallel lines are recorded with
measurements for every second meter. Low conductivity around 30 meter corresponds to

crossing the acnal system.

Figure 5 Isometric projection of gird No. 1 (dipole conifguration is vertical; view from

Figure 6 Isometric projection of gird No. ‫( ﺍ‬dipole configuration is horiontal; view rfom

notrheast).                                               '

Figure 7 Two-dimensional contour plot of gird No. 1 (dipole confiugration is vertical;
dipole direction is north-south; sie is 43 by 75 meters; empty area in upper irght corner is

area covered by Potruguese moat.

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