Page 42 - DILMUN 14
P. 42

   We would like ١o express our gratitude to all the persons who have been partly or

fully involvcd in this multidisciplinary project: Shaikha laya al-Khalifa, Assistant
Under-Secretary for Culture and National Heritage, Ministry of [nformation, State
of Bahrain, supportcd this project in all possible ways; Christopher Albert was the
first author's field assistant and did most of the measurements with the EM-31;
Aelle Rougeulle helped both with the planning and interpretation of the
excavation results; and finally, Beverly Spriggs, Marie T. Frohlich, Sean Wilson,
and Donald Ortner gave valuable advice on the manuscript. The work was
supported in Bahrain by the Ministry of Information; at the Smithsonian lnstitution
by the Conservation Analytical Laboratory, the Department of Anthropology, and
the Office of lnformation Resource Management; at the U.S. Geological Survey by
the National Mapping Division; and in France by the Ministers des Affaires

    Permission so reprint this article has kindly been granted from Smithsonian
 Institution Press, Washington, D.C. This article was first presented at the 24th
 International Archaeometry Symposium in Naples, Italy (May 1983) and was
 published in Proceedings of the 24th International Archaeometry Symposium'.
 Editors. Jaquelins S. Olin and James Blackman.' Smithsonian Institution Press,
 washington D.C., pp. 187-20.0

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