Page 47 - DILMUN 14
P. 47

During cxcavations in 1982 clcctromagnclic propccting ١ethods werc used ١‫ﻥ‬
find subsurface wall st٢١ct١٢Cs )ossibly associatel vith a harbor or canal ysle
within the ١cll, Success in idcntifying part of this syste١ cncourvagcd us ١o apply the
prospecting mcthods to othcr parts of rhe tcll, both for thc purpose of finding
additional structures of the system as wcll as idcntifying othcr ١ajor ٦١a١-nade
structures bclow the surface, The major objcclive was to sce if clcclronmagnclic
cquipment could rcsolve the various man-madc fcatures bclow thc surfacc ad to
determinc to what dcpth thcse fcatures would be identified by thc cquipmcnt.

  This paper is primarily a dcscription of the prospecting mcthods including the
data recording, analytical procedures, and the interprctation of thc results. The
prospecting will be discussed in light of the results obtained from ecavations
carried out by the French Archaeological Mission to Bahrain betwcen 978 and
1983, It should be emphasized, however, that the prospecting and the excavations
have continued only since early 1983. This report is thus preliminary, in the sense
that we have not yet in every case confirmed by excavation the nature of the
features identified by the prospecting equipment.

Prospecting Technique

  An EM-31 noncontacting terrain conductivity meter, produced by Geonics
Limited in Ontario, Canada, was used to measure the accumulative conductivity of
specific locations within the survey area (iFgure 2). Aithough the theoretical

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                      ٠٠٤٠ ٠٩ ٠ -٠:٠:‫'ﺇ ﺁ‬٢٦‫"ﻥ‬:"" ,‫ ﻡ‬٠‫ﻡ‬٦٠‫ﺍﻟﺪ ﻥ‬

   -.‫ﺏ‬٠ ٠‫ﺏ‬0 .: ٠ ::3:.‫ﺯ 'ﺟﺘﺐ؟‬:‫ ﺛﻴﺘﺨﻴﺞﻴ‬.

‫ﺘﺎ‬٠‫ﺑﻌﺜﻲ؟ﺙ{ﻳ ﺏﺰﺗﻠﻴﻬ‬

Fig. 2. EM-31 produced by Geoinsc Ltd, Canada. Transmitter and receiver at each end of
dipole. L‫ﺶ‬ngth is 4.00 meters and carrying weight is 9 kg.m

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