Page 51 - DILMUN 14
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Iigrre 1.                      FICURES
Iigure 2.
           Late 'ype Buriil Mounds at
Figure 3.  Madinat Had. Ca. 2,100 B.C.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.  Madinat Hamad, 1983 cxcavations.
           B-South 40. Male 45 yrs.
           Burial Chanber.

           Malinat Hamad no. B-Soutl 40.
           Fuscd spine.

           Madinat Hamad no, B-South 40.
           Bony spurs on radius ad ulna.

           Madinat Hamad no. B-South 40.
           Femur section showing poorly
           mineralived osteons.
            Ca. 100 times magnification.


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