Page 6 - The Pirate Coast (By Sir Charles Belgrave)
P. 6

CHAPTER. VI (January 1819)                               60
                         Muscat harbour. Jcvcnilc Drama. Fish and cows. Visit to the
                         Sultan. Town and bazaar. The slave market. Muscati Arabs.
                         The Sultan’s palace. The Sultan, his Navy. Casualties from climate.
                         The history of Adey, ‘the Little Greek’.

                     CHAPTER VII (January-February 1819)                      7i
                         Action against pirates at Kishm. Prisoner’s suicide. Bushirc.
                         Bahrain. Situation in Bahrain. The two Shaikhs. Manama and
                         Muharraq. The strange story of the European Lady and her niece.
                         Landing party destroys pirate vessels. Bushirc. Back to Bahrain.
                        Theft of pearls. The Shaikh’s justice.

                     CHAPTER VIII (Fcbruary-March 1S19)                       84
                        Bushirc. The Residency. Up the Tigris to Basra. River navi­
                        gation. Basra City. The Turks. The British factory. Trade in
                        horses. Basra Arabs. Colquhoun and ‘The Turkish Idiot’. Dis­
                        turbances. The Pasha’s procession. Alchemists.
                     CHAPTER IX (March-May 1819)                              95
                        Bushirc. Letter from the Pirate Chief. A French renegade. Ex­
                        pedition inland. Persian peasants. A blind singer. Hunting and
                        falconry. The Shaikh's ship. Eden sails for Bombay. A successful
                        night engagement. Muscat. Captain Sadlicr’s mission. Failure of
                        negotiations with Sultan. Sadlicr becomes the first Englishman to
                        cross Arabia. Ibrahaim Pasha. Quarrel about presents.

                     CHAPTER X (May 1819)                                    107
                        Escape of a prisoner. Cholera in Bombay. Madras. Death of
                        Rushworth. Mrs. Brinkman’s adventure with an elephant. Bush-
                        ire. The pirates’ Ambassador, his attempt to escape. Shaikh of
                        Bushire’s double dealing. Dinner with the Shaikh. The affair of
                        the crane. A blind horse expert. Life in Bushirc.

                     CHAPTER XI (Junc-September 1819)                        I2T
                        Bushirc. Pirate politics. The life history of a pirate, Rahmah bin
                        Jabr, and his feud with the Khalifah Shaikhs.

                     CHAPTER XII (November-Deccmbcr 1819)                   133
                        Loch seizes Linga fleet. Ras al Khaima, the pirates’ stronghold.
                        Landing preparations. Troops on shore. The Sultan’s Navy.
                        Arab cannon. A sortie. Rain. Parleys. Citadel captured.
                        Exodus of Arabs. Zayah taken. Negotiations. Truce signed.
                        Captain Peronnet Thompson. Move to Kishm. Thompson’s
                        disastrous expedition against the Abu Ali tribe. Heavy British
                        defeat. Thompson court martialled. General Lionel Smith’s
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