Page 36 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol IV_Neat
P. 36

                     template any attack upon thorn. (Vide Sir H.
                     Elliot's despatch No. 399 of tho/1th November,
                       In October 1873 a question arose regarding
                     the enforced enlistment of natives of Bahrein
                     into the Turkish Army. A notowas accordingly
                     addressed to the Turkish Ambassador on the 14th
                     April, 1871, which after drawing his Excellency's   1871.
                     attention to previous communications, distinctly
                     stated that Her Majesty’s Government did not
                     admit the claim of Turkey to consider Bahrein as
                     part of the Ottoman Dominions,and that, if natives
                     of that island applied to British Consuls in
                     Turkey for protection, the latter could not refuse
                     their good otTicos on hehalf of such persons.
                       In Juno 1879 the British Ambassador at To Sir IT. Layavd,
                     Constantinople was instructed to make repre-
                     sentations respecting a reported proposal to Sir II Uynrd,
                     establish a Turkish coal dcp6t at Bahrein, and   No. 501,
                                                            June 10, 1870.
                     to urge the Porto to disavow tho project. Aetiou India (Mice,
                     was also taken by the Indian Government in order **5,/Jj0,u,K*r
                     to induco the Sheikh of Bahrein, in tho event
                     of tho proposal being made to him, to act upon
                     the advice of the British Political llcsidcnt in
                     the Persian Gulf.
                       An attempt was actually made iu 1880 by a Admiralty,
                     Turkish vessel to establish a coaling station at   May 14, 1880.
                     Bahrein, hut was frustrated by the Sheikh, who
                     refused permission for tho undertaking.
                       As a result of this incident, the Sheikh   1880.
                     was induced to conclude a Treaty with the
                     British Government by which ho undertook
                     to abstain from entering into negotiations with
                     any other Power, and to refuse permission to any
                     other Government to establish agencies oretaling
                     dep6ts on bis territory.
                       in 188S-9 the Turkish claim to Bahrein was  1888-9.
                     rc-asscrtcd and refuted. The Ottoman Govern­
                     ment were informed that any attempt to land
                     on tho island would be opposed by force (vide
                     despatches No. 15 of the 26th January, 1888,
                     and No. 121 of the 17th April, 188^, to Sir W.
                       A question of British protection over Bah-   1892.
                     reinese in Turkey arose in 1892 over the resti- To Sir C. Ford,
                     tution of taxes levied at Bussorah, and Her Telegraphic,
                     Majesty’s Ambassador reminded tho Porte that, ^3!j2°ml>or 10,
                     Bahrein being under British protection, Her
                     Majesty’s Government could not admit Turkish
                     interference with the uutives of the island.
                       A landing of Turkish troops was again appro-  1892.
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