Page 278 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 278


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   Letter from M dated 29th, 16 days. Didnt ride

   Sh A came in & discussed the war between Dubai and Abu Dhabi also Persia. Norfolk said to have sailed.
   Sh A said HH had a letter from PR saying he would consider Zubara when PA returned & there were other
   things of more importance. HH very upset.

   Friday 16th August

   Returned from Jidda at 5pm arriving pier 6.30 Mylrea came in. Went to Om as Sahdan in the morning & got
   a few cuttings & plants - it is improving but never will be nice as Jidda.

   Saturday 17th August

   Rode, very damp & hot in the morning, the building at the customs is getting on well. Office, spent some
   time seeing Howarth, who is leaving for India, & Tunnicliffe who went to S to see army stores - a lot of
   stuff there that we could use. Went to see HH after tea, in good form, had a lot of Zubara, he now really
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