Page 276 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 276
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Monday 12th August
Didnt ride as I had some men to work in the garden taking down the partition between N & S garden. It
looks much better without it & the trees will get more sun & air, some of them were very unhealthy. Not
much doing in the morning, Thompson came in, went down to the customs where A Kerim came to discuss
Hashish & opium, it has become a very serious matter, the place is full of it. Gardened after tea & then went
with HC Mhq Beladya to see the schools at Hedd & Mhq where some work is required. Later to bathe at
Senyan, very pleasant there, but the weather is really not too bad & though I have a little prickly heat it is not
really troublesome - yet.