Page 271 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 271








   iS       Monday 5th August


            Sh Abdulla came in, about nothing in particular, discussed affairs in Persia.

 !g         Drove to Hedd & then, being low tide, across to Hala, the island off Arad. Had never been down there
            before. There is a sort of natural causeway there dry at low tide. On my way back a boy rushed out from a
            side street on a bike & he the bike landed on top of my car, he was not hurt but the car was dented. Very
 i?         annoyed about it, I shall impound the bike for a month.

            Tuesday 6th August

            Tunnicliffe to Jidda

            Rode, out to Houra & back by the Palace, the new wing is still not finished, they are very slow over it. Quite
            a cool day, rather misty earlier on & later a shamaal. Saw nobody in the office, for me Ramadhan is almost  a
            holiday, am working on my 20 yrs annual report and much enjoying doing it.

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