Page 272 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 272
hardened in the afternoon & later went to see HH at his small house, sat on the bench outside the meglis
►vhere it was very cool. Some muddle over some of Abdulla's sons who asked for a lift by air to Mella in
Zasoc plane - it has been assumed that it is HH who is going there. Mylrea came to dinner, he looked very ill
:>ut seemed to enjoy it & we sat talking till 11. Discussed Bahrain in the old times & Sh Jamin & the mission
school. Saw Howarth about his going.
"Vednesday 7th August
-jrious weather, not really hot & very gray, for days we have hardly seen the sun. Rather sticky before
■bakfast but later not unpleasant. Spent the morning between Customs, Fort & Elec office. An Iraqi tried to
bot a prostitute, didnt kill her & then cut a vein in his arm & died an hour later. A
thed at Senian after driving round by Gasari.
jrsday 8th August