Page 268 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 268
it umi II
Thursday 1 si August
Quite a cool day, a strong shamaal, thought of sleeping inside last night without a fan but found it a bit too
warm - still, surprisingly cool weather for the time of year. Sh A came in & we discussed school affairs &
some letters from Wakelin & Heywood. Saw one of the boys who came back after 2 years in Egypt, not at
all impressed by him. Saw A Kerim about the murder case - there seems to be absolutely no motive as the
men didnt even know each other. Ahmed bin Hamed came in & I gave him a letter to M, he is going to
Lebanon. After lunch drove to Budeya & sailed over to Jidda, a very strong shamaal so didnt go round by
launch. Rather hot drive & no fast driving as the road is so bumpy. The garden here looks very green with
the new well the trees have come on apace. Had a pleasant bathe.