Page 264 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 264
Wednesday 24th July
Office most of the morning. Saw Tunnicliffe, he is very stupid & like people of that clan all the time
thinking himself slighted. He more or less said it was his wife who couldnt stay on here. Went to see Hay
who complained about my arranging naval visits without asking them - its often been done like that before,
he also said that Galloway said I was not co-operative, which is absurd & in fact exactly what we have been
thinking about him. A tea party in Kozaibis garden, quite pleasant & delicious fruit & ices but the garden
house in which we sat was rather stuffy, being shut in by trees all round.
Thursday 25th July
Office. Didnt go to Fort but spent some time at the Transport Office & new workshop looking round with
Thompson and M man. I dont feel that there is enough control there & the man on cars is not I think
sufficiently experienced. Its a big job transport. Went down to see Hugh Weightman who passed through by
air, only had a few minutes talk with him. Galloway left on leave, rather a relief, such a difficult person.
Saw Cochrane & lb Khalifah & various others. To Jidda in the afternoon by launch "Jidda" from Manama.
A sticky day but pleasant on the sea & quite cool at Jidda. Took a walk in the evening and then had a long
bathe in the tank.