Page 261 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 261

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   3        Saturday 20th July


            Fort. The sergeants went out to the diving banks yesterday & seem to have had an unpleasant time, all being
            sick, too much Arab food for heavy swell. HH didnt come in as he is in the country. Spent most of the
            morning writing up next annual report, am doing another ten year report. Saw H Kerim, Akhbar Ali and
   rj       Seyd Said. Quite a leisurely morning, getting near Ramadhan & everyone beginning to put off work until
 » *!       after Ramadhan. Fairly hot day. Gardened after lunch & then went to the library & a drive, later Dick Snow
            & Galloway came in. My new lawn is beginning to look like a real lawn. The Norfolk is in here apparently
 i ?        wailing for developments in Persia where there have been disturbances & communist uprisings & strike at
            Abadan. All, it is said, organised by the Russians. Tunnicliffe came in with a long complaint re Leigh & his

             Sunday 21st July

             M left by the up plane after an early lunch, a lot of people down at the pier. Various people came in to see
             her in the morning about schools & things. When I got back Rozelle & a naval Dr came in, at 1.30 & stayed
             til 2.30 then went on to pay calls. He came, apparently, to ask about the Captain calling on HH which   we
             fixed for Tuesday. Rozelle enjoying herself enormously as her brother during the War commanded the

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