Page 263 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 263



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  .2                                                          1945



             Monday 22nd July

             No parade as all the men out on a big lire last night at Kh Maayards. Rode up to the Palace, the new wing is
   9         almost finished & looks quite nice, but will need a similar extension on the opposite side to balance the
             whole building. HH & Sh A came in - so tiresome on a court day, HH very cross & had a lot of Zubara.
 i  3        Court but only got there when most of the cases were done so went on to the electric Dept & had a look
             round & stirred them up a bit. After tea went out to see the Captain of the Norfolk taking Dick Snow -
             typical Navy & dull at that. Frightfully hot on board . Then to dinner with TTs & to a play, "By
             Candlelight" as usual the TTs had not a good word for it - one gets tired of them being so down on
             everything. Rozelle was in a very bad temper all the evening. Tunnicliffe sent in his resignation.

             Tuesday 23rd July

             Spent almost the whole morning on calls, the Captain of Norfolk called on HH & we returned the call on
             board, a very hot day & rather an exhausting programme. In the afternoon went with Dick Snow & Mohd
             Khalil to see the land in Rozaibi's water which we are taking over to make into a garden. A cocktail party at
             the Agency - the usual rather dull affair but got away at a reasonable time. Hot day.

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