Page 256 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 256
Office all the morning, saw lb Khalfan & then the head clerk of the Beladya, they are not getting on. Various
people came in to see me. HH wrote demanding another floor on the palace. A hot day, south wind. Saw
Hugh about his going on leave, he looks as if he needs it.
Max went to his island taking Khalid who turned town his offer to run it.
Haji Ahmed came in, usual talk of conspiracies etc & then ABJ to see Max, fixed up that he will look after
Om as Sabaan on Max's behalf.
Dined at 7, Max went to see Packer & we to the cinema at Awali - a poor film - then to the TTs for a drink.
Friday 12th July
Max left after lunch by air. M not well. Dick Snow came round in the evening. Hottish day, did a bit of