Page 254 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 254
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Saturday 6th July
Shaikhs as usual. HH & Sh A discussed the boys at Cairo & decided not to keep them on there, while
discussing it a letter came from another boy wishing to leave & saying he had learned nothing - then had a
dose of Zubara. Sh A before HH came discussed his grandson, Khalid, he was quite amusing about him.
Abdulla b Hamed is going to Syria with his family, said to have become a bit queer in the head & certainly
disgruntled with HH & everyone else - a poor result of some education at home. Bahrain filling up with new
cars, quite a lot of American ones being imported.
Went to the library & then to see the Palace extension, HH constantly suggests new work there, a pity he is in
Sunday 7th July
Still very cool weather for the time of year, in the afternoon quite a strong shamaal. Office, saw various
people, lb Khalfan who I have appointed acting sec of Man Beladya with a lot of "discoveries" rather the
case of a new broom. His father used to hold the job & had a row & got turned out, I always thought