Page 250 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 250
Drove to Hedd & Muharraq, did a bit of sketching in the Muharraq bazaar.
Friday 28th June
A very lazy day. In the morning we went to Hedd & Muharraq & look photos of boats on the shore, & the
sook - had quite an interesting time. Afterwards worked in the garden.
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The Commodore & Pelly came to dinner, which we had on the terrace, quite a pleasant party. Weather still
quite good, usually a breeze in the daytime & nights on the roof quite cool. l u
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Saturday 29th June
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Went up to see the Palace & the garden water supply. Still cool but rather sandy in the mornings. Max went Hi
to call on HH who moved into the Palace, HH gave him a bisht to wear to Sarahia. A fuss about Abdulla bin m
Hamed who is going to Syria saying he wont return here, having borrowed from the Minors Dept. He has
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turned out a most objectionable person & a bad adverisement for a part education at home. Saw various