Page 246 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 246
. m
At Jidda. M went over to Oman Sabaan & returned to lunch with the TTs who came across from Budeya. A
very strong wind blowing, really too strong. Roselle & Max had a bathe after lunch & then we all walked
over to the jail. Came back via Budeya & later went to dinner with HH at Rafaa. Quite a big party, about 60
people & a very good dinner, the R Browns & Harrison, Snow & Leigh & Smith. Delightfully cool up at
Rafaa. HHs little boys are always present now, nice little lads. Got well browned at Jidda but the sea was
quite chilly & I was nervous of jellyfish lately there have been masses of them, white & blue. Y Fakroo says
their bite is as bad as a scorpion.
Saturday 22nd June
Shaikhs came in but didnt stay very long. A good deal of discussion about family matters & land also about
education & a new Director, responsibility of car owners for state of cars & various other matters.
Drove over to Muharraq and then to Senyan to get some flowers. Cassia from the one & only tree in
Bahrain, apple blossom pink.