Page 244 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 244
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Max Thombury arrived in the morning by air, I met him & the Russell Browns came back with us to
breakfast. Max in very good form. Got to the Court rather late but not many cases. Still quite nice weather,
the bara blowing. In the afternoon Max went to Jidda via Budeya, we drove round to see the Palace & school ■ ;
buildings & then to call on the Leighs, she is off to Cairo shortly. Quite pleasant there on their veranda, !
Smith & Snow came in.
Tuesday 18th June
HH out hunting
Rode up to Rozabeia & had a look at HH's horses all told he now has about 60 & among them some very fine
mares. Sh Abdulla came in & we talked about Bn's claim to various shoals on which we built beacons. Saw
one or two people & spent some time with Tunnicliffe, I find him terribly heavy & entirely without any sense
of humour which makes it heavy going. Gardened after lunch, Max went to Om as Salaam. Drove out to
Gasari & later the Commodore and Galloway came in, G just back from Qattar. Later we had Hay, Dick &
Burton to dinner - a very good dinner caviare, cold soup, duckling and ice cream meringues followed by
grapes & figs from Budeya. The others played Bridge & Dick played the piano & I listened. Had dinner
the terrace though rather windy. Max went to Om an Suliaan in the afternoon.