Page 243 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 243
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* 1945
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? Saturday 15th June
3 Fort. Rather a dusty day. All dressed up to meet Patrick Laurence & HH came in to see him, then heard he
was not coming. HH went to Agency but only stayed a short time as Galloway off to Qattar, they talked
Zubara. G. told HH that he had got the CIE - nobody else seemed to know. Had a fairly free morning & got
a lot of office work done, wrote a letter to the B Police about & wines & to Agency re B Council man.
Slept in the afternoon & then went out to find stuff for shirts, got some which will do. The Leighs came
in before dinner. Thompson came in before lunch.
Sunday 16th June
A fairly quiet morning.
Monday 17th June