Page 248 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 248
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Monday 24th June
Cool day. last night I had a blanket. Court, a lot of cases, two liquor cases, a row at Berbers, one against
Kermastaji & various others. Didnt gel back till late. Max went to his island taking Khalid, an unpleasant
young Shaikling who they took up when here before. Slept after lunch & drove to see Dick Snow & stayed
for dinner. Ali. my Police motor driver, started mumps. A very great nuisance. I fear I shall get it too,
Narayan, our kitchen boy & now Ali all people one is in contact with have now succumbed to it. The Bara is
still blowing well.
Tuesday 25th June
Shaikhs came in but didnt stay long as HH called on Hay to return his yesterdays visit.
Wednesday 26th June