Page 336 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 336

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      Monday 9th December

      Court, very few cases because, according to Daij & Ahmed, people so busy over Mubarram that they didnt
      have time to get into mischief. Stayed       in court discussing various cases. Quite a cold day, wore thick

      Working on the Budget. Find it almost impossible to really get down to it & every night we seem to be out at
     some social engagement.

      Went round the ground which we are getting from Kozaibi for a public water garden.

     Cocktail party at the Snows, a great many people, quite a pleasant affair, the TTs came in before we went
     there & read over the play which is now finished & quite good we & they stayed on to dinner with the
     Snows. Spoke to the new Iran bank manager, a frightful young man.                                                     I!

     Tuesday I Oth December

     Fort, one gets up in complete darkness now, sun comes up just before seven. HH came in, Sh A is out on a
     hunting trip. Discussed the cotton mill proposition & HH gave his ideas which were quite sensible, then he
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