Page 333 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 333





  Ik./                                                      1945





          Friday 29th November


           Spent the morning on the race course, very cloudy. Lunched with the Leighs - a great nuisance as I had a lot
          to do, Hay & Pelly were there, the former complaining of a hangover from the night before. Left before
           lunch was finished in order to get to the course by 2. H arrived in state with mounted escort, quite a smart
           turn out, & drove down the course in Ascot style. The races did not run as smoothly as last time & somehow
  3        things didnt seem to go to well - I dont know why, one race had to be run again & there was some
           confusion over it. The stand a great success. There were fewer people & quite a lot left before the end. M &
           I did badly & none of my ponies won. Thunder got awkward & wouldnt have her bit put in her mouth so in
           the re run race she ran without it. A few people came in for drinks afterwards. After dinner went to the town
  a        cinema to see the film of Ibn Saud's visit to Egypt, quite a good picture.

           Saturday 30th November


           Shaikhs came as usual. Sh A went off to the mainland on a three weeks hunting trip taking a number of the
  51       younger shaikhs. Some rain in the night & very dark & cloudy in the morning. HH appeared satisfied with

           the races & talked a lot about them. Discussed Hussain Agha's cotton mill proposition and the retention of
           the British Police, HH seems very keen on having them - mainly 1 fancy because other gulf potentates have

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