Page 330 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 330


    Fort, a long morning in the court, didnt gel out till very late. When I got back found Reid & Leigh   were
    calling, at 2.15. Had a few more food cases & some others all seemed to take a very long lime. Had meant
    to go & see Packer but couldnt Fit it in. A stewards meeting on the race course after tea, a lot of talking,
    found it difficult to get people not to stray but got most points settled. The course now looks very
    professional. The Reids came to call, also all the race committee came in for drinks & then Fred Davies,
    Hanna and R Brown so we had nearly 20 people in the room. When the party had gone we changed & went
    to dine with the Grants who had the Reids staying with them, quite a big party, Hay, Sommervilles, Smith,
    Meikle. Reid sang but it didnt seem to go down. Got away fairly early. Mrs Reid quite pleasant Scotch &
    homely, the small girl, 10, plain &, I fancy, spoilt.                                                                  :

    Tuesday 26th November                                                                                                u *
                                                                                                                   HBTf -

    Rode, came in early as Reid & Leigh came to see me at 8.30 to discuss water scheme. All seems set for them           I!
   to start, probably in Jan or Feb. HH & Sh A came, Ahd Omran was here & we discussed the school teachers  —
                                                                                                                        it *
   strike, HH very angry with the Egyptian masters & said they must not stay after the end of term. He decided   —   all v
   to send for the 3 headmasters & lick them off. I tackled him about Leigh's contract, he did not seem very
   keen & certainly not more than 2 years also talked about the party & his having left out Mrs Grant, Meikle &         IJ-
   others. He thought it very funny. Miss A & Godden in for tea, she very excited.                                       j   ^ ^
                                                                                                                 r—     iu
   Went to race course for a few minutes at sunset.

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