Page 328 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 328



                                                                                                                  _ g



    Rode. Oleandar looks very smart with her mane cut short. Rather warm, very damp in the morning and
    really Autumnal evenings, cold skies & mists. The cork trees in full bloom, a mass of white flowers. Didnt
    go to the Fort nor attended a food control meeting but worked the entire morning on a report on the Zubara
    case for HH which I finished at 1.30. On the race course in the evening, practised the mounted escort for
    HH, the course is beginning to look very much more like a race course. Then to the foil where we got some
    flowers from the garden & spent some time at the stables with Bradley. Hay & Sir Henry Holland to dinner,
    the latter is a funny little man not in the least like a missionary, short, over 70, clipped white moustache and
    squeaky voice. Played Bridge after dinner till midnight, both seemed to enjoy themselves. Hay has a passion
    for Bridge.

    Thursday 21 st November

    M not well, a boil or something on her forehead so stayed in, Dick Snow came in the afternoon. Office but at
    Rafaa from 9.30 - 12.30 with HH & Galloway, went over, roughly, all the past history of Bahrain from early
    10th Century as affecting Zubara, it was quite interesting but got us nowhere. HH is very knowledgeable
   about it all. At 12.30 G said he must go, I stayed on a bit & then HH went to see his son in hospital who was
   operated on during the morning, eye, by Sir HH. Another sitting in the afternoon from 4 - 6 this much more
    "difficult" as G kept on talking to me in English which HH didnt like & also whn HH asked when he might
   hope to hear any result G was   evasive & spoke of 2 months - & that Hay must go across & see Zubara first.
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