Page 342 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 342
. a
Office, saw a lot of people, got the Budget finished with Seyd Mahmood & divided up according to the new
plan suggested by G of I, really I think its quite sound & will work - at present. Had a talk with Ahmed
Omran re schools, Tunnicliffe & others.
Spent some time going over the dress up hose & trying to fix up about clothes for the 31st.
Went to the Sunday school & hostel in the afternoon & spent some time there - all seemed well & the boys ^
looked very happy playing games & painting. We went all over it & saw the dormitories and the new ^
improvements. It is now a very nice place the only snag being that there are not enough boys in it. Library
much improved. Dinner & Bridge at Jufair - a dull heavy party & not a very good dinner.
Monday 23rd December
Fort - court, but very few cases, went over to the customs had a look at the new work on the pier which is
getting on very well. James very full of spirit & enjoying life extremely, seems to love being here.