Page 344 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 344
[No further entries in 1946 diarvl
Friday 25th January [First entry in 1947 diarvl
Visit to King Ibn Saud, with Sh Sulman (2 nights)
Saturday 25th January
Left al Khubar at about 3 am after a very sketchy meal of oranges and tomatoe juice, cold on the desert in the
early morning. Went down to the camp to HHs tent, a great deal of fuss & bustle & cars everywhere. Before
I left the house ABJ arrived with a bundle for me, a very nice complete set of Arab clothes which I
discovered had been made for the Amir Saud, the Heir Apparent. They must have brought them specially as r
he is about my height, also 200 for Bilal. Had a rough passage across, I survived but wouldnt have liked it
to last longer, HH fussed a lot putting up sail, then taking it down, & telling the nakhrada what course to take. r
He was not happy & said that the sea was both unpleasant & dangerous. However we arrived safely without
any difficulty. We took 2 3/4 hours.