Page 370 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 370
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Went rather late to Jidda taking Mrs Storey Wilson, a stormy day, a good deal of rain & some thunder, we
spent most of the day indoors but later walked over to the jail. Went & returned to via Budeya. Mrs SW
seems a pleasant sensible woman & her Scottish accent is attractive.
In the evening dined with the Hays & saw a horrible Walt Disney film almost all of which I disliked
extremely. The Galloways & Wendy were there, the Hays off tomorrow by sea to Kuwait, I fancy Mrs SW
didnt much care for the party, the others dressed, we didnt. Hay is obviously very sour because so few of the
Arabs do anything about him - I suppose all are too busy over their own affairs - I gather in Kuwait all the
town comes round to see him & all give parties - here nobody does.
Saturday 8th March
Didnt ride owing to the mud. The streets in a great mess. HH came in, not Sh A, discussed with him the
letter from Agency in which PR advocated allowing modern diving methods, he was very upset & excited
about it & entirely disagreed with the PR's ideas. Also discussed an agreement, he thinks we are not being
paid enough.
The Qattar party returned after lunch.