Page 375 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 375




            Lovely day. Poor old Hosha, the siluzi bitch who belonged to Sh Hamed, is in a poor way, just old age I
            think. She doesnt seem able to walk upstairs. It has been nice having the Bishop here & Wilson too, BT is
            rather dull until the evening when he got going about oil & politics & was most interesting. He has been
            everywhere & knows everyone.

            Saturday 15th March


            HH didnt come in. Busy day in the office, saw Aii b Khalfah wl '
            H«n«d, his brother magistrate, so they both give diflcrem jud” lei™                        WHh Sh Ahm'd b
            situation. Maclellan came ln, rather aggressive. We cant         . ,n the same cases, an imnossiblo
            carry no people to & from Bahrain.                      & any air passages as for the last 6 week ^BO 6

            Met Tunnicliffe at Race Course & discussed some improvements to the
            Galloways & Miss Jacksons came in to call, they are off in a day or two & h
                                                                                    course  ' a lot to do i
            Dined with the Snows, some p ayed Bridge but 1 w»«= cast with the v-                         in a short time.
                                                                                     ..e seems very sorry to be leaving,
                                                                               vingties & a great bore too. 1 hate the
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