Page 377 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 377
refreshing. Saw Tunnicliffe. Gardened after lunch, some rain. Met Tunnicliffe & the Leslie Smiths on the
race course & they came back for dinner & Bridge - I played on rubber & then worked in the office. Mr BT
talks of leaving at the end of March an awful bore. He is a very common old man though knows interesting
people & has been everywhere. His views on the apalling economic state of England are very depressing,
from all accounts we are practically bankrupt. I can only hope he is a pessimist.
Tuesday 18th March
HH out hunting but Sh A came in - discussed Sh Abdel Latif & his wish to let the mosque land for a garage,
an eyesore on the sea road & I want to stop it but its not easy. Saw various people & had BT & Mohd Saleh
in to discuss the water scheme together.
Club committee meeting about the swimming tank - the whole thing bores me. Tunnicliffe not there which
was awkward.
Wednesday 19th March