Page 381 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 381
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1945 ; »“ » 1945
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Friday 21st March
Spent a long time at the Fort & then with Ahmed Omran. One or two cases to deal with but most of the men
brought were for small things & I let them off gently. Looked at some of the stores we got from the Army,
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quite a lot still unsold. Gardened after lunch, there was heavy rain last night. Larkspur is now in flower also
sunflowers, hollyhocks & a few other things. Poor old Hosha died, she had been getting weaker for some To Jidda in the morning. A lovely day, quite hot in the sun, went by launch as the sea was absolutely calm.
Put in some cuttings of shrubs round the tank & had a walk round then sat outside working on my annual
time & for a week or so was in a very bad way, not able to tackle the stairs. 1 shall miss her a lot, she was a
report, finished the section on the diving industry. Worked in the afternoon & then
very dear dog & the best tempered 1 have ever known and so fond of one. I dont mean to have another. we went for a walk
before dinner. Beautiful weather. Played the gramaphone before & after dinner
- a good catch of fish in the
excellent dinner & good wine, also trap, had fresh fish for lunch & dinner & excellent tomatoes from the garden.
tea. Dinner with the Grisewoods, an
Looked over the pier work after none, however quite a
we expected Bridge but there was
present the Perfects, Phillips & Crowe and so
pleasant evening. B Thompson went to dinner at Awali. —it. Monday 24th March
Thursday 20th March
Court, a lot of cases but we got through them all & 1 came back to
1!? building the new place for the PR - or whatever he is to be called, a
lot of water everywhere. Office, saw a great many people, Dr Doeg see a man who has
in the streets & a ----01 very common young come here about
to be taken locally, quite a good idea, then Mansoor Aragdh who was
Fort, still very muddy Meeting of Public Health committee about quarantine. Rather 1 man.
about land at Muharraq for a petrol station, Pelly looked in & I went over
about a cinema film for midwives, 15 ong winded.
in the afternoon & didnl go out, M went to a cocktail party
interesting as usual, Russell Brown —01
there, finally Tunnicliffe. Felt rather out of sorts liver attack I think but felt better by the evening.
at the junior bank people with B.T. I worked in the office, a