Page 384 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 384

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                                                             1945                                                         u I


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        To Jidda after breakfast, a lovely day, went by car to Budeya. The TTs to lunch, Rozelle had a heavy cold.
                                                                                                                          J l
        Took a walk after lunch, discussed English women in Bn, R taking the wiew that they had no excuse for not
        liking being here. Worked on annual report after they left, doing girls schools.                                 ii

        Saturday 29th March                                                                                               II

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        Came back from Jidda in morning, called on Grant but Reid had gone, the latter had arranged for M's passage
        to Beirut & to Marseilles. HH came, also Sh M who is off to Cairo & as usual worrying about finance. HH
        rather mean about it but said, quite rightly, if Sh M had twice his income he would always be in debt, he gave   ii
        him a passage to Cairo but refused to give return from Cairo. He discussed Pelly saying he was not as bad as
        he used to be. Earlier I went to see Hay who was off for 14 days trip, he told me Mrs Kendall is Pelly's sister
        hence Pelly wont have any dealings with any Kendall matters. Pelly & a nice French writer came to lunch - a
        really excellent lunch with caviare. Gardened & then drove to Muharraq. Lovely weather. Called on the
        Smiths later on. Meikle offered M passage on Strech boat, but too early. M went to see Packer.

       Sunday 30th March
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