Page 388 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 388


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         Went to Jidda by Budeya in the afternoon, a lovely day but quite hot, am already wearing summer clothes
         which is a bad sign, all say it will be a hot summer. Our new dining room is very hot & to keep out Hies  we
         have to shut the windows. Tried a sketch in the evening but it was not much of a success.                          I H
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         Friday 4th April

        At Jidda.

        Lovely day but quite hot. Slept from 9-9 & again in the afternoon. Sat outside in the morning in the sun
        getting brown & doing annual report which hangs over me heavily. Heard a mosquitoe last night, rated the
        NCO for letting water lie about - it happens every now & then. The garden looking very pleasant with lots of
        oleandar in flower. Didnt go to the jail, too lazy. Returned by Budeya & drove by the direct road home,
        some Bahama have opened up an old well, very deep, on the sand dunes & beginning to make a garden.
        Quite a lot of green on the country between the road & the sea & towards Saar, almost a south downs effect.
        Heard on wireless that compulsory service reduced to a year but not clear from what date it comes in.

        Saturday 5th April
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