Page 389 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 389
Daij came in to report that lie had made a sul between two magistrates, Ahd Hamed & Ali Khab .
Fort, police practicing for sports, rode along the pier, very full of cargo & people, the pier shed almost non
existent now, only a few metal poles still standing. Shaikhs came in. Kh b Sulman in & out about selling
some land, HH in very good form. Sh A had an anon letter re Egyptian teachers & said he wished he could
\ gel rid of all of them. Discussed politics, oil, etc, the races & needlework show, HH asked for figures of fatal
motor accidents over last few years. Mylrea came in, having lately returned from S. Africa & then Jackson,
who stayed some time talking about the "sul" between Dubai & their neighbours & a hunting trip to the
Persian islands that he had been on. M spent most of the day at schools pricing work for the show, in
evening went up to the race course & then to see Nari about a tent for the tea & cold drinks. Mylrea came in
to dinner, Cochrane brought his wife to call, very dull, much what 1 expected, daughter of "our well known
Kettering chemist" local paper.
- Sunday 6th April
Had all the morning in the office & nobody came to call. So unusual so I got a lot of work done.
Monday 7th April