Page 396 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 396



                                                                                                                       Hi &r

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     M at the Palace in the morning, I called for her there & we went to the race course where frantic last minute
     jobs were being done, then to the Fort. I got HH to agree to washing out the mounted escort at the races as
     we had so few men & it meant that they would have nearly 2 hours hanging about before riding.                     « J
     Got to the race course before 2, the first race was at 2.30. A great cuccess, organisation all much better than  rn_

     before, a tent with tea & soft drinks, no delays & all went absolutely smoothly, except that Mary Hay fell off
     & was removed unconscious in our ambulance - nothing serious however. HH came to our cocktail party
     after the races, warned that there would be liquor & stayed 1 1/2 hours, apparently liking it very much. We       Ll C:
     had about 70 people. Quite a good party & all seemed gratified that HH was there, everyone led up to salaam
                                                                                                                   ’ m     tz

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