Page 398 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 398
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Rode. Very stuffy cloudy morning, a few drops of rain. The Police practising for sports. HH didnt come in,
A.V.M Fogarty came in to see me with Cock and an Air Commodore about their moving out of the RAF rn
camp at Mhq, they want us to take over the mess as an hotel. Sh A came in to report about another meeting 9ft
of the merchants about the Landing Coy. Saw various people, Kumlu who used to be H.C. at the customs
come from India to act as manager for D.I. Tunnicliffe as gloomy & verbose as usual.
Spent some time at the hotel & they at the Garden Houses as I wish them to be called, to avoid the name
Municipal Buildings. Hot day, too hot for April.