Page 406 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 406
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Friday 25th April
Lazy day at Jidda, read Blackwoods, slept, sun bathed & did a lot of work on my annual report.
Lovely weather, perhaps a bit warm.
Saturday 26th April
Returned in the early morning, flat calm & took exactly an hour to cross from Jidda, mostly by rowing, a
lovely morning & very pleasant on the sea. Drove back among the donkey loads of vegetables coming in
from every village, little groups waiting at intervals for the busses which now run from the villages. Shaikhs ,, i
education men came in, one young man from Beirut, a friend of James. Also Gott Cable & Wireless from n
came in but didnt stay long as HH went to the religious school, he visits it every year. A lot of American
Karachi. Went to the Tech School & then to the customs & later to the Agency to see Pelly who I had not
seen since he returned from a sea trip down the gulf. Nice day, not too hot. After tea went to Mhq where I
met Zurahaim, looked at the new flats above the shops, the vegetable market & a street which he is widening,
then to the new hospital. To Awali to see a film, which bored me, & dinner when I got back. Letter from M,
Baghdad, & Dede.