Page 410 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 410
Tiursday 1 st May
'he band is playing bells of St Mary with bell accompaniment. Court, the Kuwait case. A very interesting
evelopment, discovered that the address had gone through onto the paper that coloured the notes & the
aper was not the one they were originally wrapped in, let the accused out on bail & sent for the Kuwait
lerchant's son. Then to the Fort, Sh Khalifah left as he had Snyder to lunch with him. Dealt with the cases,
ot a great many. Saw Bell, the auditor, and Boyd of Holloways, he & Leigh are now sparring, both rather
omplaintful about the other, sent a note to James by Sneyder, who looked in after lunch.
/ent to see Tunnicliffe, looked very ill.
font to the library & then to the Snows, Pelly came in & the TTs & as the Snows were going out to dinner
le TTs came round here to dine, both I thought were looking very off colour. They didnt stay very long.
n awful lot of malaria in the place, caused I think by a lot of south wind. The Leighs came in & stayed till
30 perhaps expecting a dinner invitation.
jyd Said & Ali Jujar.