Page 414 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 414



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  Vlax went to his island.

  rhe Ts went to Jufair before dinner & later dined with Hussein Lateem. I dined with the Byron Browns &
  slayed Bridge - didnt get home till one oclock, heavy rain on the way back & much mud. Queer weather.

  fuesday 6th May

  femp 75

  )idnt ride owing to heavy rain last night.

  Jueer weather, stormy & rain at intervals & at night thunder & much lightening. Office all day, not a great  -—
  leal to do, had a talk with Max about the oil concession, a revision of loyalty is due in 3 years. Saw
  'unnicliffe who looked very seedy, then Mansoor, discussed pearl trade. He told me that Ferij al Maharraqa
  sed to be where Bahama drilled pearls, he remembered them doing it as a small boy, then they went to ^
  Muscat, described his first sale to Rosenthal, on which he got 8 annas commission, said the local sales have
  one  up high, 3-4 lakhs a year to Europeans & Americans mostly. Max went to the island after lunch after
  ;a Leila arranged flowers then went to dinner at Rafaa with HH's wife, Dick Snow came to dinner, a -
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