Page 417 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 417



        Most of the day wasted over paying & receiving calls, the USA Captain of the Toledo called on HH at Rafaa
       at noon and then at 3 pm we went off to the ship to return the call, very hot in their launch which had no
       windows that could be opened, the ship is a very fine one & the whole set up impressed me as being much
        smarter than our navy. Pelly accompanied the party.

        Dinner at the Hays, a dull party mostly USA navy, dinner rather indifferent but fortunately the navy left early
        so got away at a reasonable time. A very pleasant General Tottenham was there, staying with the Hays, from

        Sunday 11 th May

        HH gave a dinner party at Rafaa, an enormous affair, about 30 USA officers, 2 USA admirals & the General.
        I left Hay to do the talking & by all accounts conversation was very sticky as he does not flow in Arabic.
        The band played outside & such a crowd that all the young Shaikhs didnt get into the Meglis or into the
        dining room which was awkward.
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