Page 418 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 418
Monday 12th May
A continuous rush all day. Fort in the morning & when I got back Pelly rang up to say the USA Admiral was
calling on HH, having apparently made all plans without letting us know at all. Great fuss as HH not to be
got at on phone, eventually went to Mhq & found him & we came to the Palace & he received the admirals &
staff there, by then they were very late on their programme & one of them in a fuss trying to get the senior
one to leave but HH would go on talking. Then to the court where we finished the Kumail case finding the
nakherda not guilty. Narayan & others went to the ship. Very soon after lunch changed for the tea party on
board, drove to Sitra to meet HH & some 30 relations & hangers on & went out to the Toledo really a very
pleasant party & an excellent tea, ices, fruit drinks & a most marvellous cake presented to HH. To our
surprise we got full honours & salute. Altogether a very pleasant party. Then home & to a cocktail party at
Agency which I quite enjoyed, the band in the garden, the party on veranda, a vaste number of officers & a
good sprinkling of others talked much to a nice young USA man called Agnew, northerner who I liked.
Tuesday 13th May
Pelly came to dinner & we went to see Henry V at the cinema, a wonderful picture, beautiful colour effects.
Afterwards went round to the Andreasons & she showed me her pictures - very modem style.