Page 436 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 436


                                                        1945                                                     r u
                                                                                                                    I ■=

  Wednesday 15th October

  [lode round the town, out to the water garden & back by the Suk al Araba & to the customs. Watched people
  jsing the new passenger baggage room which all people entering & leaving the pier have to walk through        If
  low, most eyed the long table very apprehensively. A court instead of last Monday, dull cases, sat in the
  lorth room which is very much cooler. Looked in for a minute on the Kadis, more than ever like three old
  ;heep. After court we talked politics awhile, the Persian claims & the number of Persians now living here.
  Daij & Ali both think something should be done to reduce a future "minority" an excuse for Persia butting in.
  Saw Ahmed Omran, he talks too much. To Budeya in the afternoon, the garden looked in very poor shape,
  is usual Hussain full of excuses. I think he is getting lazy, not surprising as no supervision. After early
  linner went to the cinema, "Man of two worlds" about Tanganyika, I enjoyed it, acted mainly by Africans.
  Vent in to the Agar's with Mrs A, he was already in bed, Miss O'Sullivan came in too. Sahan & another
  vireless man came to call & got in though we were "out"

  Tiursday 16th October

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