Page 434 - Belgrave Diaries 1945_Neat
P. 434
Mi came having lately returned from Beirut which he seemed to like. Slept after lunch & went round the
Beladya houses after tea for a drive round.
Various people came in to call, Fyfers, Grisewoods & Holdstock. M feeling the heat very much. Heard that s .
Hugh had been met at A1 Khobar & went off in a car sent to fetch him. News of Sh of Kuwait arriving
tomorrow morning - a bore in some ways. The people I have seen all look very fit in spite of a summer that
had some bad patches.
Monday 13th October
Went out after an early breakfast in the ship to meet the Shaikh of Kuwait with HH, the uncles & a good
many of the minor shaikhs. He looked very well, a fine man in appearance & most intelligent looking,
invited him ashore & of course he came. Guard of honour at pierhead & a caravan of cars. I went back to
he office & fixed up with R.B for the Shaikhs to visit the company, drove to Awali & met RB & then waited
it the gate for the Shaikhs who processed excessively slowly down from Rafaa with motor police in front,
rjrst we went over the new "native" hospital then drove at funeral pace down to & through the refinery, along
he causeway to the wharf & back to RB's house, then lunch at Rafaa - a quite unbearable lunch as all was
mdercooked I felt very ill after it & got an attack of indigestion. Then down to the town & finally saw HH
>f Kuwait off by launch to rejoin the ship. Some queer very mixed passengers joined the party at Sh
Ahmed's invitation & followed us round in a car all the while even coming to lunch at Rafaa.